
St. John's

Church of England Primary School

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School Meals and Arbor payments

School meals are provided by Independent Catering a local specialist FRESH FOOD caterer offering varied menus using fresh British meat, freshly baked bread, fresh vegetables, fresh salad and fresh fruit every day. All meals are prepared on-site by skilled and fully trained staff. For further information please click this link.


The daily price for a meal including dessert is currently £2.58, paid in advance.


Each day pupils will be asked if they are having a school dinner or a packed lunch (children can decide on the day if they are having a school dinner). Those having a school dinner will be given the daily options (the week's menu is available in the classrooms), and asked which choice they would like. The correct colour wristband is allocated to the children (see below) and then shown at the lunch counter and a corresponding meal is served, however, a little extra is always cooked of each choice just in case! You might like to discuss the options available with your child to help them decide.


  • Main meal (red wristband)
  • Vegetarian (green wristband)
  • Pasta meal (yellow wristband)
  • Filled jacket potato (blue wristband)

Orange wristbands are available for children with allergies or intolerances.


A selection of pudding choices are offered including a hot or cold dessert, cheese and biscuits, yoghurt and sliced fresh fruit.


Meals are paid for using Arbor, please ensure your account is in credit. Arbor does not have a 'low credit' alert so please check your child/rens account regularly. 


KS1 children:

Under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive free school meals.  For the latest information please click here.


KS2 children:

Are you entitled to free school meals? If you or your partner receive one of the following: Universal Credit, Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Income-related Employment or Support Allowance, your son/daughter may be entitled to free school meals. Please visit this page for further information.

Alternatively, children may bring a healthy packed lunch and a cold drink in an unbreakable container. from home. In line with our "Healthy School" status, sweets are not allowed in school.
