Please see the document below for information about our transition programme for new Reception starters.
Please follow this link to watch a short video which was made for our September 2020 Reception entrants as they transitioned into school. Although the class names and individual teachers will not remain the same from year to year, the film still gives a really good sense of what life is like in Reception at St John's. We are immensely grateful to Ginger Cat Studios for making this brilliant video Facebook @gingercatstudios.
Please find a very warm welcome to St John's from our Parents and Friends Association below.
The NHS Kent Emotional Wellbeing Teams have organised a workshop aimed at parents of children about to start primary school. Please see below poster for full information.
School Trends are currently offering 5% discount on orders placed before 24th June using the code NEWSTJOHN.
For full details regarding St John's school uniform, please visit this page.
All children under the age of five are entitled to free school milk. If your child is starting Reception, you will be able to sign up for milk – please click here for details.
Please find below the slides from the New Parent Information Evening.
Please visit our New Starter Information page to find all of the general information you will need to know before your children join the school.
Please help us to get to know your child better by answering a few questions about his/her development. We would really appreciate completion by Friday 12th July 2024, thank you.
Please kindly press the link to our Parent Questionnaire.
These leaflets are designed for you to share with your child/ren. It will give them information about their classrooms and the different people and places they will see at St John’s.
Please click on the presentation below to see some photos of the Reception classrooms during the first Taster Visit on 4 July 2024.
For ease of reference, please peruse Term 1's menu below:
Please watch and enjoy the stories read by our Reception class teachers on our Video Resource Centre.