On Wednesday 4th March, four ambassadors for St. John’s attended the launch of a brand new Youth Town Forum. The children had been chosen from a large number of Year 5 and 6 pupils who applied for the role and all four did a wonderful job of representing the views of children at our school. The Youth Town Forum has been created by the Town Forum so that they can engage younger voices and get their views on how the town should move forward.
The group were particularly keen to focus on environmental issues such as reducing Carbon emissions and plastic use, however a range of other topics were also raised. The forum met in the main chamber at the Town Hall, with children from several schools (both primary and secondary) taking turns to share their views. Representatives of the Town Forum were also there to share information about how the Town Forum works and campaigns they are currently involved in. The children all spoke passionately and clearly about what they thought, coming up with many suggestions the Town Forum were keen to explore further.
Over the next few weeks our ambassadors will be listening to the ideas of other children in our school, ready to take them forward to their next Youth Town Forum meeting after Easter. This is an exciting opportunity for St. John’s pupils to learn about and become involved in issues which affect our local community and we can’t wait to see what ideas the Forum come up with.